Saturday, December 10, 2011

Canada Foreclosure CRISIS?

This is bad news...
Foreclosures in Canada are hitting record highs...

And what's worse?
While home prices are plummetting...
and now with the national credit-crunch,
it is next to impossible to get financing for anything.
So what do you do when you want to buy a foreclosure property
for 50% OFF when no banks will lend you money to buy it?
Buy the house with cash?
Sure, if you have a few hundred thousand dollars sitting in the bank!
But could there be another way?
Here's a secret...

Did you know that a small group of Canadian insiders are making a
killing with foreclosures?

And somehow they have devised a clever scheme to make
fast profits by:

*Not having to qualify for a mortgage.
*Not having to use any money.
*Securing properties for as much as 50% below market value!

Could this be legal?


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